Searching for a gift for your best friend? It can be hard to come up with appropriate best friend gift ideas sometimes. After all, this is the person that you share everything with; probably someone that has known you, loved you, and supported you in good times and bad for many years.

Choosing a gift
How do you find a gift that is an appropriate expression of how you feel about that person? You can do that with a very simple, heartfelt gift.
Gifts don’t need to be expensive or extravagant in order to show your love and respect for your best friend. Often handmade gifts are the best gifts of all because they are gifts from the heart.

Here are 5 simple and fun best friend gift ideas you can use to find the perfect gift for your best friend:
A photo album – Not just any photo album though! This is a personal photo album. Buy a pretty photo album and fill it with pictures of the two of you. Write little inspirational quotes, inside jokes and favorite poems on the pages. Write a message to your friend on the inside covers and sign it and date it. In the years to come your friend will treasure the memories of the two of you that the book holds and the personal messages that you wrote inside.
A Christmas ornament – A handmade Christmas ornament with a personal message from you and the date it was given is a gift that your friend will love and your friend will remember and think of you every time that the ornament goes on the Christmas tree.
An inspirational bracelet- Find an artisan that makes handmade jewelry that is stamped with inspirational sayings and personal messages. There are lots of them that sell on the Web and a simple search engine search should help you find some. Get a bracelet made for your best friend with one of her favorite sayings or her personal motto on it.
Make an afghan for your friend –Remind your best friend that friends are there to comfort one or another like a warm blanket by giving your best friend a lovely handmade blanket to wrap themselves up in when they have had a bad day or need some support.
Make a collage – Gather up old photos of the two of you together and find other memorabilia from your friendship. Maybe you have ticket stubs from movies and concerts that you saw together that you can use, or the rental agreement from the apartment that you shared in college. Arrange all the items that you can find documenting the history of your friendship and put them together in a collage to make a touching tribute to your friendship that your best friend will love.
